For Research Volunteers
Why Volunteer?
The health of millions has been improved because of the thousands of individuals who volunteer in clinical research. While advancements in research and science have also contributed, without research volunteers those advancements could not have been achieved.
To continue these advancements, we need research volunteers to donate their time, and their blood, which will help researchers test treatments and discover root causes of cognitive impairment in the brain.
How to Volunteer?
We sincerely appreciate your desire to become a research volunteer with the Goizueta Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Your commitment not only means helping your loved ones; it means helping others across the world by joining efforts right here in Georgia.
Fill out Volunteer Registry Interest Form
Still have questions? View the International Review Board's Volunteer FAQs
What to Expect?

Clinical trials at Emory must follow strict rules that are set by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). This group of people review research to make sure it will be done safely and that the benefits of the research outweigh the risks to the participants. This is done to protect the study participants welfare, health, safety and privacy while they are involved in a clinical trial. Some clinical trials may be conducted to examine alternative indications for existing medications or treatments.
These trials can take place in hospitals, doctor’s offices, universities or private research clinics. Whatever your area of research interest may be, we all have the same goal: to end Alzheimer’s.
Learn about research trials and clinical studies at Emory
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Read more about what to expect during your research visit at the Emory Goizueta ADRC